"The Local Stigmatic" is Heathcote a Williams first play. He was
born in 1942. His first book "The Speakers", a documentary account
of some of the speakers at Hyde Park Corner, was published in 1964.
The four members of the cast all trained under John Blatchley and Yat
Malmgren at the Drama Centre, London. The first
production of "The Local Stigmatic" at the Traverse Theatre in
Edinburgh earlier this year was their first professional appearance. Since
then, after appearing in the play at the Royal Court in March, Peter Harlowe,
William Hoyland and Toby Salaman have been to Holland with the Traverse
Theatre Company and Oliver Cotton on tour with Pop Theatre. William Hoyland
and Oliver Cotton are shortly to join the National Theatre Company.
The play, which had a very successful presentation at the Royal Court on
Sunday, March 27th, is again directed by Peter Gill, who directed "A
Collier's Friday Night" last summer and is the author of "The
Sleepers' Den" which was given a Sunday performance at the Royal Court in
February, 1965.